Happy Moon-day. I hope this posting finds you well. If you’re in Southern California like me, please avoid the heat. It is one hell of a hot day.

Tarot Weekly

The Start, Four of Wands (R), Ace of Wands, Nine of Swords, Knight of Pentacles (R)… and Dog. *pant pant*

A few words floated around in meditation this morning, and a random morning encounter with a friend brought another, on a walking meditation you have to be aware of these things. The words were: Sophia and Kismet

Sophia being the divine feminine spirit, wisdom, and awakening to greater love… The energy of creation at the level of the heart, or crown. Kismet, or the will of Shai, Gods will but I get the sneaking suspicion that Kismet is more related to Ma’at, or she who moves the heavens, the stars, and the forces of The Universe.

I’m thinking that this week we are better served to seek the answer outside of our view. Do not draw on our personal well of knowledge, seek new vision first. To be open to enlightenment about our ideas about healing, resolution, and well our overall well-being.

We may want a positive experience, but it may not seem so uplifting at the moment. The Star (below) does not herald instant results.

The Star

The Star returns to us after some time to us and I feel that this is in perfect timing with the challenges that the Chariot and other astrological obstacles of late. (See the Tarot Weekly thread).

In my mind it’s a bit like someone who is held in a room. Four walls, carvings etched there, reliefs of various events that he or she is addressing. The stones have been solid, the issues writ, the response the same, and we do not pass out of the room. Suddenly the stonework becomes transparent and for an instant we see beyond it, our hands pass through the stone like clouds, the challenges of reality lift to the mental level, the mind can address them in abstract, our situation changes, we are not bound the room of stones.

Again, The Star does herald victory, but it’s not immediate, it’s the knowledge that a soul-felt success is coming. Maybe because in this we can see beyond the immediate and into the long-term, or at least the opportunity to pierce the present perspective.

Supporting Cards

Four of Wands (R) represents the limits of our view (of our situation). The house is on its head and we think that this is the way that we live. Relax it up, see where we need to allow for some breathing room and expand our minds with that breath.

I relax my body. I relax my mind. I relax my emotions. I relax my soul. Now, what do you see? Check in with you and find out.

Ace of Wands illuminates the thrust of passion, with respects to the Four of Wands (R), I believe it may show that the drive may be misdirected and thus the need for the break to collect one self. The energy is there for a reason, it is passion without purpose yet. Calm, collect, review, then see where you need place your energy. You may very well find a better way more in line with your real creative / innovative self.

Nine of Swords is a reminder to not let the doubts keep you up at night. This is the little demon that’s keeping you from the expanded place where you have the heaven’s view. The one that kept you in walls, the little beast that’s been niggling at you to fear, worry, mentally struggle. It’s in direct opposition to the message of the star. Dreams could be very revealing.

The Knight of Pentacles (R) then is the Knight of our fears. This could also be representative of someone who is adding to, or convincing you of the worried state of mind.

Connect to our angels, guides, gods, higher power, spirits, of inspiration. Soften (Sophia) to their message. See the bigger picture (Kismet) and find what these broader movements mean to you and your current state of internal affairs.

Connect to sustaining support systems, your vital affairs such as work, home, income, and see if they are being handled with care, planning, responsibility, and love.

(Careful of the guy that says there is nothing to worry about and that they have everything under control… Your concern could actually be telling you something. He’s probably fooling you).

Animal Ally

Dog (R). Love. Loyalty. Guardian. Protection. Gatekeeper in many traditions.

The Fool is followed by the dog, who is that little dog down there at his foot, yapping at the seeker? Is the pooch there to guard against the fall? Guardians of gateways into mystery, the dog is allowing us to see through the crack in the universe at this time. He is leading us to insight so his power can be used for good or ill. The mind is the director of the vision, if we’re hell-bent of fear, doubt, narrowed ideas, worry, then the ever-loyal dog will illuminate our truths through these denser paths.

*UPDATE: Just realized it’s National Dog Week. How appropriate.*

From the Aeclectic Tarot

“On the bleak landscape where the Tower stood, the Fool sits, empty, despairing. He hoped to find himself on this spiritual journey, but now he feels he’s lost everything, even himself. Sitting on the cold stones, he gazes up at the night sky wondering what’s left. And that is when he notices, nearby, a beautiful girl with two water urns. As he watches, she kneels by a pool of water illuminated with reflected starlight. She empties the urns, one into the pool, one onto the thirsty ground.

“What are you doing,” he asks her. She looks up at him, her eyes twinkling like stars. “I am refilling this pool, so that those who are thirsty may drink, and I am also watering the earth so that, come spring, the seeds will grow,” she tells him. And then she adds, “Come. Drink.” The Fool comes to kneel with her by the pool and drink. The water tastes wonderful, like liquid starlight. “I can see you are sad,” the girl continues, “and I know why. But you must remember that you have not lost all. Knowledge, possibilities, and hope, you still have all of these. Like stars, they can lead you to a new future.” Even as she says this, she began to fade away, like dew, vanishing. All that remains is a gleam that was at the center of her forehead. This rises up and up, until it settles in the night sky as a shining star. “Follow your star,” the woman’s voice seems to sing from that light, “and have hope.” The Fool takes in a breath and rises. It is a dark night, a desolate land. But for the first time, he has a guiding light to show him the way. Distant as it is, it heals his heart, and restores his faith.”

I hope this finds you well.

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Be well,

Scott K Smith

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Scott Lifencompass